Connect with Finland's best tech experts

Integrify provides flexible, tailored, and risk-free solutions for companies of all sizes looking to hire IT talent in Finland.

Explore our options

Over 150 companies trust us to deliver top talent

Tech upskilling and staffing

We offer companies of all sizes risk-free hiring solutions tailored to their needs.

Hire from our Talent Pool

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Discover the perfect candidate from our pool of 150+ skilled professionals in Finland


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Mold future resources precisely for your company's needs

Full Stack Academy

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Hire tested and trained developers from our Full Stack Academy

Hire via our Talent Pool

Quick, hassle-free way to recruit experienced talent
Our curated Talent Pool connects you with the right experts for your unique needs. Using our advanced talent-matching platform, we can quickly identify candidates who meet your exact criteria, such as:
  • Technical skills
  • Level of seniority
  • Industry experience
  • Language proficiency
  • Certifications and additional training
Learn about our Try & Hire model
Carefully evaluated
Every candidate in our Talent Pool undergoes rigorous technical and communication assessments to ensure they meet our high standards.
Over 180+ professionals
Our Talent Pool features a diverse range of professionals with expertise across multiple tech stacks and industries.
Try & Hire model
Hiring from our Talent Pool is a scalable way to add seniority to the team without the risk of permanent recruitment.

"Integrify developers have impressed me with their proactive attitudes and quick learning abilities, essential for managing specialized tasks from the start."

Henri Paulamäki
Lead developer of MOST Digital, Digia
Henri Paulamäki
This is some text inside of a div block.

"With Integrify, the whole recruitment process was effortless compared to recruiting on our own.”

Mikko Luukkainen
Partner at Solwe
Mikko Luukkainen
This is some text inside of a div block.

"As a company, we are in a hyper growth mode and Integrify helped us to strengthen our development power with 10 talented Full Stack experts. Partnership with Integrify has been easy and smooth."

Jake Kunnari
Operations Manager, Nordcloud, Finland
Jake Kunnari
This is some text inside of a div block.

“Integrify developers are going through a pretty intensive technical training, therefore Integrify is a really good choice for us.”

Jani Partanen
UX Lead at CEM Commerce unit, Tietoevry, Finland
Jani Partanen
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

Custom Academy

Mold future resources precisely based on your needs
Build your dream developer team with Integrify’s Custom Academy. Tailor the curriculum to your preferred tech stack, select candidates that match your needs, and let us take care of the training and rigorous evaluation of the candidates.

We also offer customized upskilling programs to companies that are looking to broaden their team's expertise.
Get in touch
Pre-select top junior developers with profiles matching your tech team's needs.
Interview potential candidates before the program even starts, and follow their progress throughout the studies.
Make your final recruitment selections out of the candidates with the best portfolio, tech stack and soft skills.

Full Stack Academy

*The next batch of developers will graduate this January
Hire developers directly from our advanced Full Stack program. Over three intensive months, the students receive training in cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices, ensuring they're ready to contribute from day one.
Learn about our Try & Hire model
Only the best 5%
Only the top talent is accepted into our Full Stack Academy, all with a solid IT background, excellent communication skills and relevant education.
Trained & tested
Three months of full-time coding and hands-on projects, with regular assessments to ensure their skills meet the industry standards.
20+ developers available
We’ll connect you with our top developers, allowing you to interview candidates at your convenience and hire with no obligations.
Our developers master tech stacks such as:
Spring boot
.Net Core

Try & Hire

Our cost-effective pricing model ensures you avoid the risks and costs of unsuccessful hires.

Hire from our Full Stack Academy
Hire from our Talent Pool
Hourly fee
39-44€ (Junior)
45-59€ (Mid)
60-79€ (Senior)
39-44€ (Junior)
45-59€ (Mid)
60-79€ (Senior)
No mandatory commitment
No mandatory commitment
1-month termination during Try & Hire
1-month termination during Try & Hire
Hiring after 12 months
Free of charge
Free of charge (or based on the terms of your contract)

Or are you planning to hire a team of experts or upskill your developers in a specific tech stack?

Get in touch

Let's find you a match

Integrify offers a quick, risk-free and cost-effective way to scale your tech team.

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Get in touch directly with our sales team

Janne Muurinen
Miikka Berger
Account Director
Jere Pöytsiä
Account Manager
Tommi Rantakari
Account Manager